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Promo Codes & Discounts

How do I apply promo/discount codes?

To apply a promo or discount code, proceed to checkout and enter your code in the 'Discount Code' field. Click 'Apply' to see your new total before finalizing your order. Only one code can be used per order.

Where do I get promo codes/discounts?

To get promo and discount codes, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter, check our homepage, and follow us on social media to get the latest deals.

My promo code isn’t working.

The promo code you entered may not work due to an incorrect input (check that you have entered the right letters and numbers), specific conditions (like minimum spend), or an expiry date. If you continue to experience issues, please contact our care

I forgot to add a promo code but already made a purchase.

If you forgot to apply a promo code at checkout, please contact our care team with the code name as soon as possible. Depending on the status of your order, our team may be able to apply the promo code for you.